Monday, August 31, 2009

Enough Please!

I am thankful that we have anther hospital to choose from in Vancouver but My family has had too much experience with the new hospital. Yeasterday was trip three for the family number two for Maddie! Not only was it her second trip this year but it she also got her second cat-scan! I have come to the conclusion that there is a magnet in Maddie's little head and it is attracted to any hard surface!
Yeasterday before church Maddie and I were outside enjoying the nice weather. It was 11:30 Maddie needed to have lunch so we could go to church. She played outside while I got her lunch ready. I was in the kitchen tossing her little salad and thats when I heard it...a very large thump followed by cries. I ran to see what happened to find Maddie on the ground, under the chaise lounge, marks on the side of her head. I scooped her up called my mama who said "take her in". As I was gathering my bag and turning off the stove I noticed a large bruise in the middle of her forehead, that sent me over the edge. Once we got the the ER we waited 45 minutes and of course Maddie started running around the waiting room like nothing ever happened! Once we saw the doctor she said I had three options, take Maddie and watch her myself, get a cat-scan or stay there and they would watch her for a few hours. Since we are leaving in a few days for vacation and I know symptoms of a larger problem can show up a few days later I opted for the cat-scan. Of course Maddie screamed through the entire thing but luckly was a little champ and they didn't have to restrain her.
Today she is fine the redness is gone and she is left with a couple scratching and a nice bruise. As for that nice new hospital I have seem enough of their E.R and I hope to be done visiting them for a very long time!

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