Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sleeping Beauty

Maddie is cracking me up! Since she was a newborn I have been trying to get her to bond with something: a blanket, a doll, anything. Well she picked out her own thing she bonded with the hooded ducky towel for her doll. Anymore she has to have it at bedtime and naps. Here she is with her blanky-towel over her:

Not long after bonded with the towel she found this tiny pillow I had stashed away and now she needs that pillow in her crib. Normally its just in the crib. However, the other night I went in to check on her and I found her sleeping on it. It was the cutest thing ever so I came back with the camera and took pictures!

How she can stay asleep with all the flashes is beyond me. I think she looks adorable and just like a little princess!

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